بينما نخطو إلى دورنا الجديد لخدمة مجتمعنا عبر التحسين المستمر في خدماتنا، مُلبين إحتياجاتهم التي تُعد من بين قيمنا الأساسية وندعم الجميع للتركيز على رفاهيتهم ونريدهم أن يحافظوا على صحتهم ليحققوا أحلامهم وطموحاتهم. نقوم بذلك من خلال رعاية المرضى الشخصية والعلاجات الطبية المتقدمة ؛حيث نتعهد بمساعدة المجتمع على التمتع بكامل إمكاناته الصحية. ومن هنا تشارك مجموعة برايم للرعاية الصحية رؤية دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة لخلق مستقبل مستدام للبشرية من خلال الابتكار. ولهذا فقد اتخذنا خطوة أخرى كجزء من هذه المهمة عبر إطلاق برنامج ماي برايم للمكافآت الذي يعد الأول من نوعه في المنطقه ، يقوم تحفيز المرضى / العملاء عبر كسب و إستبدال النقاط مقابل أي خدمة أو منتج عبر جميع الفروع والمراكز التابعه للمجموعة.
طالما قمت بالتسجيل في برنامج ماي برايم للمكافآت، فسوف تكسب النقاط، في جميع فروع مجموعه برايم للرعايه الصحيه من مستشفى برايم ومراكز برايم وصيدلية ميدي برايم والمراكز التشخيصيه.
يمكنك إستبدال نقاط مكافآت ماي برايم الخاصه بك على الخدمات والمنتجات في جميع فروع برايم للرعايه الصحيه من مستشفى ومراكز برايم وصيدلية ميدي برايم والمراكز التشخيصيه.
I am extending my deepest appreciantion for the efforts made to organize the MY PRIME Stroke Event. I found the event extremely informative and truly belive that having this knowledge may save someones life during the critical time of a stroke.
- Arshad Chishti
I would like to express my greatest appreciation to the entire MY Prime team, I am a patient suffering from diabetes and have greatly benefitted from this free health checkup during the time I needed it most, as my insurance policy has expired.
- Mohammed Iftikhar
First and foremost, I would like to express my appreciation for the continuous support and efforts of the entire team of MY PRIME, for the events which they have organized and which I greatly benefitted.
- Fathima
Since 2004, I have had a strong and long-standing relationship with Prime Medical Centers. I am very happy and satisfied with all their services offered as well as the medical staff who are very dedicated and incredibly good at their jobs.
- M. Asghar Ali Bhatti
I’d like to congratulate the team at MY PRIME on their successful first year, and look forward to the many more successful years to come, and all the successful event the future has to hold.
- Ahmed Ibrahim
Thank you MY PRIME for providing us with such a great opportunity. We thoroughly enjoyed our experience and found it very informative and constructive. May God bless all of you for this tremendous effort.
- Shahid Murtaza
We have been loyal customers of Prime Medical Centers for a long time now and the care that we have received has been remarkable. Prime has always made us feel like we are being treated by family rather than by medical staff.
- Mr.Ejaz Ahmed Pasha & Aqila Ejaz
I would like to express my appreciation for this incredible opportunity MY PRIME has provided its loyal patients. Those awareness programs have been beneficial to everyone. It has been a great experience and thank you once again for organizing those great initiatives for your loyal patients
- Ramakrishnan
I was incredibly happy and satisfied with this event organized by the teame at MY PRIME, and look forward to attending more events similar to this one in the future. The event was thoroughly informative and I gained valuable insight.
- Satyam